Why Choose Chubby Mealworms?

Honeyfields Suet Block - 10 Pack - Mealworm & Insect 3kg
High-energy bird food block for all-year feeding, with the added advantages of being less messy, easier to handle and will not melt during the summer months.
Can be fed using any standard suet block feeder or placed on a bird table at a safe height away from predators. Always ensure fresh water is available.
Fruity Ingredients
Cereals, Oils & Fats (inc Ruminant Tallow), Seeds, Ground Peanuts, Insects, Various Sugars.
Additives: Colourants
Hints and Tips
Encourage birds to visit your garden and keep them healthy by feeding them all year round
The RSPB recommends year-round feeding; in Autumn / Winter when food is scarce and in Spring / Summer when parents need a plentiful supply to nurture their young.